TK Windows pdf translation
Dominic Sisneros
2018-08-17 20:30:11 UTC
I am looking for more information on Tk Ruby programming. There is some
stuff out on the internet but a lot of the main information is not in my
only language English. Can anyone translate this pdf about ruby tk to
English. It seems to have some information I have not seen, like how to
subclass Tk classes


Hidetoshi NAGAI
2018-08-20 01:59:00 UTC
From: Dominic Sisneros <***@gmail.com>
Subject: TK Windows pdf translation
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2018 14:30:11 -0600
Post by Dominic Sisneros
I am looking for more information on Tk Ruby programming. There is some
stuff out on the internet but a lot of the main information is not in my
only language English. Can anyone translate this pdf about ruby tk to
English. It seems to have some information I have not seen, like how to
subclass Tk classes
The following text is a broken English text. So, it may make you confused.

Page 1 ~ 9 : omit (not important)

--- Page 10 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Today's Theme ]

Explain functions to support creating a new widget class.

--- Page 11 ~ 12 ----------------------------------------------------
[ Types based on Widget creation ]

Widget types based on the method to create widgets on Ruby/Tk

(1) Tcl/Tk's single widget class
(2) A widget (include a composite widget) created by Tcl/Tk's command
(3) Subclass of Ruby/Tk's widget class
(4) Ruby/Tk's composite widget

--- Page 13 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Creation Type 1 & 2 ]

* Those should be according to the general form of Tcl/Tk's
widget creation command.
<gen. command> <widget path> <option> <value> ...
e.g. button .b -text Hello -command {puts "Hello !!"}

* By following the mechanism of Ruby/Tk's widget classes,
you can easily define a new Ruby/Tk class.

--- Page 14 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Ruby/Tk's Widget Class ]

* Defined as a descendant of TkWindow class

* options at creation are given by a Hash
<widget class>.new( <parent widget>, <option>=><value>, ... )

e.g. TkButton.new(Tk.root,
:command=>proc{puts 'Hello !!'})

--- Page 15 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ TkWindow#initialize ]

* Usually, no need to override on subclasses

* Operation
1. process the options for widget path assignment,
and decide the widget path
2. extract options that require some special opetations
(e.g. font option)
3. call 'create_self' method
4. (if need) exec font setting process
5. (if need) process options that require some method calls

--- Page 16 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Options for Widget Path Assignment ]

* parent
* Assign the parent widget
* Usually, it is given by the 1st argument of 'new' method.
It may be given on the Hash of option definition.

* widgetname
* Use when need to give a specific name of widget,
or when creating an object for a widget that already exists on Tk.

* without_creating
* When the value is true, the process to creating a new widget
is not called.

--- Page 17 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Options that Require Special Operations ]

* font options
* to manage fonts by TkFont objects

* options which need to call some methods
* mechanism treating features, which is not widget options,
as if those are widget options.
* to entry them, override "__methodcall_optkeys" method.

* options which need a special process for the value passed from Ruby to Tcl
* to entry them, override "__ruby2val_optkeys" method.

--- Page 18 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ TkWindow#create_self ]

* core method generatiing a widget by calling a Tcl/Tk command

* usually, no need to override

* use self.class::TkCommandNames[0] as the Tcl/Tk command to create
a widget

--- Page 19 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Minimum Definition of a New Widget Class ]

For example ...

Define Tk::Hoge class for widgets creating Tcl/Tk's "tk::hoge" command
class Tk::Hoge < TkWindow
TkCommandNames = ['tk::hoge'.freeze].freeze

call functions of a Tk::Hoge widget
hoge1 = Tk::Hoge.new(parent, opt=>val, ... )
hoge1.tk_send(<sub-command>, <option>, ... )
Tk.tk_call(hoge1, <sub-command>, <option>, ... )

--- Page 20 ---------------------------------------------------------
However ...

This minimum definition doesn't include cooperations with
option database.

--- Page 21 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Option Database ]

* option (resouce) database
* managing / setting default option values of each widget or
widget class

* same to the resource database of X Window System

* a widget path == a widget name on the database

* a widget class == a class name on the database

* an option / option class == an option / option class on the database

--- Page 22 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Keep Class Name on Database ]

* TkOptionDB class can treat the option database

* When there is a database class name correspoiding to a widget class,
the name should be defined as the value of the constant "WidgetClassName".

* When may need to auto-convert from a widget path to a widget object,
the class name must be entried to TkComm::WidgetClassNames
--> It is used to search a widget class from a database class name.

--- Page 23 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Convert to an Object from a Widget Path ]

* Tcl/Tk is distinguish widgetds by their widget path.

* need to manage mappings between a widget path and a widget object

* widgets cerated on Ruby/Tk
--> manage mappings on a Hash table

* widgets cerated on Tcl/Tk
--> ? ? ? ?


--- Page 24 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Auto-create an Object from a Widget Path having no Mapping Informaiton ]

1. check the widget class name on Tcl/Tk

2. search Ruby/Tk' widget class corresponding to the widget class name
a) exist
--> create an object without creating a new widget
b) not exist
--> create automatically a new widget class of Ruby/Tk based on
the class name, and create an object of the widget class
TkComm.window(<widget path>)
--> create a widget object from a widget path by the described way

--- Page 25 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Minimum Definition of a New Widget Class (with database class definition) ]

For example ...

On the previous example (Tk::Hoge class), when the database class name
of the generaged widget is "HogeWidget",
class Tk::Hoge < TkWindow
TkCommandNames = ['tk::hoge'.freeze].freeze
WidgetClassName = 'HogeWidget'.freeze
WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] = self

--- Page 26 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Minimum Definition of a New Widget Class (with database class definition) ]

By this definition, for example ...
h = Tk::Hoge.new.pack

h.opt = val
h[:opt] = val

h.font.size *= 2
h.bind('Enter'){|ev| p ev; puts ev.window.path}
h.bind_append('Enter', '%W'){|w| w.focus}
h.bind(['Control-x', 'a'] '%x %y'){|x,y| p [x,y]}


--- Page 27 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Convert from Ruby's objects ]

* a widget object --> a widget path string

* an array --> a list on Tcl/Tk

* a Hash ( {k1=>v1, k2=>v2, ...} )
--> a sequece of options ( -k1 v1 -k2 v2 ... )

* a proc object --> a string of a callback command
(the proc object is managed on Ruby/Tk )

* and others ... --> convet to a proper string

--- Page 28 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Convert to Ruby's objects ]

* Try to auto-convert from a Tcl/Tk's value (string) to a Ruby's object

* When fail to auto-convert but know the expected value type,
TkComm.list(val_str) ... et al

--- Page 29 ---------------------------------------------------------
(3) Subclass of Ruby/Tk's widget class

--- Page 30 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Creation Type 3 ]

* Ruby/Tk has some mechanisms to reduce the amount of description.
However, omit them in this presentation.

* Except for some widget classes, new widget classes generated by
inheritance can't have their own database class.
--> If you want to make and give a new database class,
you must use "creation type 4".

--- Page 31 ---------------------------------------------------------
(4) Ruby/Tk's composite widget

--- Page 32 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Creation Type 4 ]

* treat a structure of multiple widgets as a single widget
* build a construction of widgets on a single base (frame widget)
* control the construction as one widget object

* to support definition
--> TkComposite module

--- Page 33 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ TkComposite module ]

* support to define a composite widget class

* override "initialize" method
1. estimate or define its database class name
2. create a frame widget as a base, and set it to @frame
3. set the widget pash of @frame to @epath and @path
4. call "initialize_composite" method

--- Page 34 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ @epath and @path ]

* @epath
* The widget path for management of geometry managers
* The default value is the widget path of @frame.
Usually, it is not necessary to change the value.

* @path
* should keep the widget path of the core (most important) widget
on the component
* treat it as a primary (default) target of method calls

--- Page 35 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ initialize_composite method ]

* called from "initialize" method to construct and setup the composite
widget object

* componets must be descendants of the @frame widget

* don't forget setting @path

--- Page 36 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Support to control widget options ]

* On a composite widget, a target widget set to control a widget
option depends on the option.

* sometimes want to treat multiple groups of widgets to control
the same option

* sometimes want to make a control of widgets by method calls
seamless with general manipuration of options

--> TkComposite module has the methods to support such purpose.

--- Page 37 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Delegate of Widget Option Control ]

* "deletete" and "delegate_alias"
* define target widget set to control the specified option
( "delegate_alias" can define the alias name of the option )
delegate(<option>, <widget>, ... )
delegate("DEFAULT", <widget>, ... )

delegate_alias(<alias>, <option>, <widget>, ... )

* "option_methods"
* can treat like as an option but defined with method calls
option_methods([<set>, <get>, <info>], ... )

--- Page 38 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Setting of the database class name of the widget using TkComposite ]

* Use the database class name of the base (@frame) as the name of
the composite widget

* If you need to define the database class name, use one of the followings
i) "classname" option given at widget creation
ii) the constant "WidgetClassName"

--- Page 39 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Examples of TkComposite ]

* See the sample scipts in the directory "ext/tk/samples" on Ruby's
source tree.

* There are many kind of examples. Please check them.

--- Page 40 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Conclusion ]

* I introduced a part of Ruby/Tk's functions to support to define new
widget classes

* Please see the content about Ruby/Tk in "Rubyist Magazine #003"
(in Japanese). A part of other Ruby/Tk's functions are described in it.

--- Page 41 ---------------------------------------------------------
[ Appendix (Q&A at RubyKaigi2007) ]

* Are there examples or tutorials?
* Please see the examples included in Ruby/Tk's source tree
* One of the example "WidgtDemo" can show the source code of the
current running demo on the text widget. You can edit the source
on the text widget, and re-run the modified source (the original
source is not changed). Probably, it is useful to learn Ruby/Tk.

* What is merit/demerit including as one of the standard library?
--- omit ---

* Does work on JRuby?
* Probably, Java users will not want to use Tk.
Hidetoshi NAGAI (***@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
Department of Artificial Intelligence, Kyushu Institute of Technology

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